Artistic Pedagogical Training
Programmes and courses in dance pedagogy
Do you want to help develop people's creativity, artistic ability and knowledge in dance?
At SKH, we train independent dance teachers, teachers in dance in upper secondary education and master students, with a strong artistic and pedagogical approach, for a professional career in dance education.
- Bachelor's Programme in Dance Pedagogy
- Teacher Education Programme in Dance
- Master in Dance Education (MADE)
Independent courses are offered in addition to the programmes.
You are needed in Kulturskolan. Kulturskoleklivet is a training initiative to meet the need for further training and more trained teachers in Kulturskolan. As a teacher at Kulturskolan, you are an expert in your artistic expression and work to teach and inspire children and young people to learn a new art form and develop their creativity.
SKH, in collaboration with Stockholm University, offers a joint range of courses within Kulturskoleklivet. Together we represent both excellence and breadth in several artistic expressions.
HPU – Training in teaching and learning in higher education
The course “Training in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education” (Högskolepedagogisk utbildning in Swedish, abbreviated to HPU) is aimed at teachers, professors, librarians, doctoral students tied to programmes in fine, applied and performing arts and others who work with students.
The training is based on the recommendations of the Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions (SUHF). Its completion is intended to result in knowledge, skills and attitudes about working professionally as a university or college teacher within one’s subject area and the ability to participate in the development of higher education.
Read more about HPU – Training in teaching and learning in higher education
Photo: Linnéa Lindberg/SKH