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How we handle personal data

How we handle personal data

With the Data Protection Ordinance (GDPR) your privacy and security are strengthened as to how we as an authority will process and protect your personal data. In order for you to know that we are handling your personal data in a safe and secure way, we have summarized the most common personal data processing practices in SKH's privacy policy. It describes in more detail how and why we save your personal information and what rights you have.

Responsibility for processing personal data

SKH is responsible for the processing of personal data within SKH in accordance with applicable legislation.

Public access to information

SKH is a state authority. Upon contact with us, your questions and answers will normally be a public document and, in most cases, possible for others to request and read.

Legal basis for processing personal data

Personal data is all kinds of information that can be linked to a person in life such as information about names, social security numbers, e-mail addresses and photographs.

In order to process personal data, there must be support in current data protection regulations, a so-called legal basis. This means that if SKH's processing is to be legal it should be either

  • necessary to complete an agreement/contract with you,
  • to fulfill legal obligations,
  • necessary to protect interests that are of fundamental importance for the registered or for another physical person,
  • that the processing is necessary for carrying out a task of public interest or public authority.

Personal data can also be processed if there is a consent from you to do so.

All processing of personal data should be listed. This allows SKH to systematically check that processing of personal data have a legal basis. For access to the list, contact SKH's registry.

The University's processing of personal data shall be based on the principles in Article 5 of the Data Protection Regulation. The principles mean, among other things, that SKH

  • must have support in the General Data Protection Regulation in order to to process personal data
  • may only collect personal data for specific, specified and legitimate purposes
  • shall not process more personal data than is necessary for the purposes in question
  • ensure the accuracy of the personal data
  • erase personal data when it is no longer needed; and
  • protect the personal data, for example to prevent unauthorised access, loss or destruction
  • demonstrate that we comply with the GDPR and how we do so.

Collecting and processing of personal data

SKH only collects and processes personal data relevant to a specified purposes with support from one of the legal basis.

How SKH processes personal data about employees and contractors

As an employer, SKH may lawfully process personal data about employees and contractors to the extent necessary to fulfill the employment or engagement agreement.

How SKH processes personal data about jobseekers

Personal data will only be used by SKH for recruitment purposes and statistical follow-up. The data is only accessible to recruiting staff. Anyone seeking a job through SKH's recruitment tool agrees to personal data processing via the web. Your information in connection with your application, CV, personal letter and other information you provide will be stored in the recruitment database for two years after the recruitment process has been completed in accordance with the Swedish National Archives regulations.

The personal data of the employee will be archived in full along with the name and social security number of the other applicants for the job.

How SKH processes personal data about applicants for education

At SKH we use two different programmes for the admission process:

We are connected to ( This means that you submit the application for the programme or course you want to apply for via their website. Personal data is processed according to UHR's information on "Handling of personal data".

We use Varbi to collect work samples for the admission process for many of our programmes and courses.

At SKH, the personal data will be used for processing your application and statistical follow-up. The data in Varbi is only accessible to staff within the university. The personal data you provide will be stored in Varbi for two years after the end of the admission period in accordance with the Swedish National Archives' deletion regulations.

The personal data of the successful applicant will be archived.

How SKH processes personal data regarding information materials, newsletters, notifications for seminars and conferences and more

Personal data provided in connection with a subscription or ordering of information material is only saved as long as you are a subscriber or as long as it is required to make the sendout or process your order. You agree to the personal data processing and may at any time unsubscribe.

Personal data provided in connection with notifications to seminars, conferences and other events will only be saved as long as it is required to administer the event.

Storage data

Personal data is cleared, deleted or unidentified on a regular basis. The personal data SKH collects is processed for different purposes and thus saved for a long period of time depending on their use and obligations under law. However, personal data will never be stored for a longer period than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

Some of the personal data for employees are deleted shortly after termination of employment. This refers, for example, to the employee's e-mail account or contact information on SKH's website. Other personal data are necessary to preserve, for example, information that is necessary for the payment of a pension.

Is personal information distributed to other recipients?

In accordance with the the principle of public access to official documents, public documents may be disclosed to journalists and individuals requesting access to public documents. SKH is required to submit personal data to, for example, the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, the Swedish Tax Agency, The National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV), Statistics Sweden and others. Personal data may also be provided to our contractors and IT providers.

Within SKH's operations, a number of different IT services and IT systems are used. Some systems are installed locally with us, and only SKH's personnel have access to their personal data. In these cases, no transfer will be made to third parties. Some systems are installed at the supplier or are cloud solutions and then personal data is transferred to the supplier. In these cases, the supplier is a personal information officer and handles personal data on SKH's assignment and according to our instructions.

Safety measures

SKH takes technical and organisational measures to ensure that all information processed by SKH is protected from unauthorized access, change and destruction.

All development of our systems, services and operations in general takes place with respect for personal integrity and with due regard to data protection legislation.

Your rights

SKH is responsible for processing your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

SKH will, at your request or on its own initiative, rectify or supplement personal information that is found to be incorrect, incomplete or misleading.

Depending on the legal basis on which the treatment is based, you are entitled to delete your personal information. This means that you are entitled to request that your personal information be removed if they are no longer required for the purposes for which they have been collected. However, there may be legal requirements that will prevent SKH from immediately deleting your personal information. SKH will then end the processing being done for purposes other than complying with legislation.

Depending on the legal basis on which the treatment is based, you are entitled to data portability. It implies the right to, under certain conditions, extract and transfer your personal data in a structured and machine-readable format to another personally responsible person.

You are entitled to lodge any complaints regarding the processing of your personal data to Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

Request for registry

You are entitled to receive, upon request, information about the personal data that SKH registers and processes in your records about you. Contact us via registry


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Questions and complaints

Personal Data Responsible is SKH. For questions or complaints, please email:

If you want to know more about GDPR, you can visit the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection's website:

Complaints about our handling of personal data can also always be made to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

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