E-tidskrifter Film

E-tidskrifter Film

Elektroniska tidskrifter om film och relaterade ämnen, både öppna och sådana som är tillgängliga genom bibliotekets prenumerationer.

American Cinematographer
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal considers motion pictures thet reflect, interpret and influence history
Film Comment independent film journalism, interviews, critical analysis, from around the world
Film Criticism a peer-reviewed, online publication whose aim is to bring together scholarship in the field of cinema and media studies
Film History: An International Journal historical development of the motion picture and the social, technological, and economic context
Journal of Film and Video
MOVIE: A Journal of Film Criticism peer-reviewed, scholarly journal concerned with the aesthetics of film and television style, close textual analysis, and/or the theory and practice of evaluating works of film and television
POV - Point of View  är en digital svensk filmtidskrift med fokus på svensk och utländsk film, från det konstnärliga till det mer politiska.
Projections: the Journal for Movies and Mind an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that explores how the mind experiences, the audiovisual and narrative structures of cinema and other visual media
Sight & Sound British Film Institutes tidskrift

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