Ways of knowing Spring 2025
The Wednesday Research Seminars provide a regular time and space for internal and external researchers to come together to share a variety of practices, perspectives and approaches to artistic research, as well as to identify affinities and differences, to raise common lines of enquiry – and to engage in critical discourse and intersubjective dialogue across an array of themes, subject areas and artistic disciplines.
Ways of Knowing
This semester the series includes four seminars connected to the doctoral course Ways of Knowing in Artistic Research constructed around the themes of The Human, The Researcher, The Listener and The Storyteller, three inter-institutional conversations between SKH researchers and researchers from The Royal Institute of Art, The Royal College of Music, and Konstfack, the launch of BODIES, a new trandsiciplinary research context, three doctoral percentage seminars, and four profile area seminars. Everybody is most welcome!
Art, Technology and Materiality round table
Tidal zones – filming between life and images
12 February 13:00–16:00
Guest: Kajsa Dahlberg
Host: Petra Bauer
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Inter institutional research conversations
SKH meets Kontsfack
19 February 13:00–16:00
Guests: Lisa Tan
Host: John-Paul Zaccarini
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Ways of Knowing Doctoral Course Seminar: The Human
Collective interdependences
5 March 13:00–16:00
Guests: Rossana Mercado-Rojas, Valeria Montti (tbc)
Host: Petra Bauer
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Bodily and Vocal Practices round table
Forgetful Bodies, Vocal Memories
12 March 13:00–16:00
Guest: tbc
Host: John-Paul Zaccarini
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Inter institutional research conversations
SKH meets The Royal College of Music
19 March 13:00–16:00
Guests: tbc
Host: Kent Olofsson
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Concept and Composition round table
Staging the unthinkable: on grief and loss
26 March 13:00–16:00
Guests: Petra Bauer, Dmitri Plax (tbc)
Host: Kent Olofsson
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Ways of Knowing Doctoral Course Seminar: The Researcher
Sensous Knowledges
2 April 13:00–16:00
Guest: Minna Salami
Host: Petra Bauer
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
BODIES launch
Unfolding via themes of corporeal bodies, environmental bodies, and institutional bodies, BODIES is a new international transdisciplinary research context.
9 April 13:00–16:00
Guests: BamBam Frost, Sebastian Dahlquist, Cecilia Åsberg, Sher Doruff, Stacey Sacks
(all tbc)
Hosts: Hanna Husberg, Rebecca Hilton
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Inter institutional research conversations
SKH meets The Centre for Art and the Political Imaginary (CAPIm) a partnership between The Royal Institute of Art and HDK Valand, University of Goteborg.
23 April 13:00–16:00
Guests: Kerry Guinan and Michele Masucci (both tbc)
Host: Hanna Husberg
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
50% Doctoral Artistic Research Seminar
Paola Torres Nuñez Del Prado, doctoral student in Film and Media
30 April 13:00–16:00
Opponent: tbc
Host: Jenny Sunesson
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Ways of Knowing Doctoral Course Seminar: The Listener
Movements of Listening
7 May 13:00–16:00
Guests: Sofia Wiberg and Stina Nyberg
Host: Petra Bauer
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
50% Doctoral Artistic Research Seminar
Brett Ascarelli, doctoral student in Film and Media
14 May 13:00–16:00
Opponent: tbc
Host: Tinna Jonne
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Site, Event, Encounter round table
Hands, ears, noses, eyes and mouths, sensing artistic research
21 May 13:00–16:00
Guests: tbc
Host: Rebecca Hilton
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
80% Doctoral Artistic Research Seminar
Savas Boyraz, doctoral student in Film and Media
28 May 13:00–16:00
Opponent: tbc
Host: Erik Gandini
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)
Ways of Knowing Doctoral Course Seminar: The Storyteller
Research through Storytelling: Writing as Recovery, Telling as Discovery
4 June 13:00–16:00
Guest: John Paul Zaccarini
Host: tbc
Venue: tbc
Link to booking here (coming soon)