Seminar Series

Seminar Series

SKH organizes, in addition to regular conferences, seminar series in various forms where artistic research is in focus. Here you can read about past and ongoing seminar series.
    • A Season of Black Study

      This seminar series is curated by the research project FutureBrownSpace. This Season brings together artists, researchers and organizers from Sweden, performance art and theatre from South Africa, and scholars from the U.S, to share the interdisciplinary, aesthetic and transcultural nature of black study.

    • Documentation Spring 2024

      Documentation Spring 2024 are weekly interdisciplinary research seminars, curated and facilitated by the profile area professors and addressing a different theme each term.

    • Art talks

      Art talks (Can Art Save the World), was a seminar serie arranged between 2017 and 2020 together with Kulturhuset Stadsteatern.

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