Research portals

Research portals

SKH uses the DiVA and Research Catalogue databases to disseminate, archive and/or publish artistic research. We also have a research portal where our researchers and PhD students can upload their ongoing and finished research.

DIVA och Research Catalogue

The Publication Database DiVA contains publications produced by SKH's researchers and students. Stockholm University of the Arts publications in DIVA

Research catalogue (RC) is an international database for artistic research. SKH's researchers and students can use it for publication and as a search database. See all published expositions on SKH’s portal page in Research Catalogue.

Research portal

Researchers and PhD students at SKH uploads their ongoing and finished research in our research portal that is linked to Research Search on our website.



Image from the exposition This Untethered Buffoon or the Trickster in Everything by
Stacey Sacks. Published in Research Catalogue and DIVA, 2020.

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