Doctoral Studies
Performative and Media-based Practices

Performative and Media-based Practices

SKH offers doctoral (or third-cycle) studies in the subject of Performative and Media-based Practices.

The subject Performative and Media-based Practices accommodates research in artistic practice. It provides possibilities for artists with higher education or  equivalent qualifications to study in, on and through artistic practice. A specific artistic enquiry is situated within a network of related processes and knowledges, creating a new approach to the area of study in relation to the relevant artistic field(s) and resulting in a documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis). For a Degree of Doctor in the performing arts, the doctoral student shall meet the programme outcomes as stipulated in the Higher Education Ordinance as outlined in the general syllabus. (Länk)

The aim of the third-cycle programme Performative and Media-based Practices is to educate artists and artistic researchers of the present, locating their processes in relation to practices and theories emerging from relevant fields, as they endeavour to make meaningful contributions to the art, culture, and society of the future. Programme aims include promoting dialogue about art in and with society, as well as developing intra, inter and transdisciplinary collaborations and exchanges between artistic fields, artistic research contexts, and other fields of research. 

The education qualifies the doctoral student for artistic practice and artistic research in artistic and/or academic contexts nationally as well as internationally. 

For more information see general syllabus.

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