Doctoral Studies
Becoming a doctoral student
Validation of prior learning

Validation of prior learning - third-cycle level

If you do not have the formal qualifications or grades to meet general entry requirements, you can apply for a validation of prior learning.
Photo: Hanna Husberg

Admission to third-cycle studies requires either a degree at second-cycle level or completed course requirements of 240 credits, of which 60 credits are at second-cycle level, see the general syllabus. Applicants may invoke prior learning to meet the general entry requirements for admission to third-cycle studies in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, ch. 7, § 39, point 3:
“acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad."
A person with validated prior learning has acquired knowledge equivalent to Degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 ECTS) through other studies, (professional) education or professional experience.


To apply for validation of prior learning, you need to upload an application. In the application, you justify why you consider your knowledge to be equivalent to a Degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 ECTS), even though you lack the formal qualifications or grades required to be eligible for third-cycle studies. You must also justify why you consider that you will be able to benefit from third-cycle education. You must upload documentation in the form of a CV and include attested copies of education, courses, studies and/or professional experience. Professional experience can be proven via written attestations from employers, others you have worked with, contracts, programs, reviews or similar.


After the call for doctoral positions is closed, SKH conducts an individual assessment of your application for validation of prior learning. The individual assessment compares your application and your qualifications with the qualitative targets for the degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 ECTS) as stipulated in the Higher Education Ordinance. The assessment is carried out by the admission committee and established by the Vice-Rector for Research. You will be informed about the result of the eligibility assessment via SKH's digital application system no later than week 11, Spring 2024.

Qualitative targets for Degree of Master of Fine Arts (60 ECTS):


Template for application on validation of prior learning:

Template - prior learning

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