”Towards sensuous ecologies” by Dalija Acin Thelander
The research aspires to expand the scope of action and perception of neurodiverse children aged six months to four years and their adults as active audiences in interrelational, immersive sensory environments, and develop new transdisciplinary artistic methods that are attuned to neurodivergent perception, enabling the experience of communality, inclusiveness, and empowerment. It consists of multifaceted, emergent processes that interlace practice and reflection through a cyclical series of work with movement, choreography, and installation making.
Aim and research questions
The research aims to explore new ways of performance structuring while actively cherishing a diversity of perception and expression, by investigating how can choreography and dance unfold and promote an interrelational ecology of artistic experience supportive of complex audience heterogeneity; how can body and performance practices respond to and be informed by this diverse audience, among other questions.
Research implementation and anticipated impact
This research aims to develop practices that can lead to devising potentially equalizing and inclusive environments that neurodivergent and neurotypical audiences can enjoy together. Forms and practices that arise through challenging the body politics of a dominant, normative culture will raise awareness of a need to increase the scope and visibility of inclusive artistic practices as well as address this lack.