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In Place

På Plats är ett konstnärligt forskningsresidens beläget på ett äldreboende i Stockholm. Det är en del av Space and Place in End-of-Life Care, ett av sex projekt som utgör Karolinska Institutets tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprogram DöBra.

Led by Rebecca Hilton, Professor in Choreography for the profile area Site-Event-Encounter (SKH) in collaboration with design researcher Felicia Nilsson (Oslo School of Architecture and Design), På Plats takes place in environments where diverse communities of people embody, experience and perform essential, epic, continual and continuous choreographies of care. Here, each and every interaction is a complex synthesis of the experiential (involving or based on experience), the somatic (relating directly to the body), the haptic (relating to the spatial perception and manipulation of objects) the sensational (physical perceptions resulting from something that happens to or comes into contact with the body) and the choreographic (the organisation of people and/or things in relation to time and space). In a care context ethics are continually being made and remade in relation to the vulnerabilities, sensibilities, needs, and desires of those particular people in that particular place at that particular time, and so the roles, responsibilities and concerns of the situated research group need to constantly reconfigure, reconstitute and reform. 

Aim and research questions

På Plats, in line with the broader values of DöBra, aims to enable positive, achievable and sustainable change processes in palliative and elder care environments. 1. What specific knowledges, concepts and methodologies might choreographic practices have to offer present and future elder and palliative care environments? 2. How to document a felt thing; how to record and/or make a record of a felt experience? How to render the felt, the experiential, the affective, as concrete, material, shareable? How to document something which manifests beyond the scope of written or spoken language? 3. How might choreographic and embodied aesthetic practices contribute to greater understandings of the ethics at work, and at stake, in elder and palliative care contexts? How to develop an ethical frame-work, that is informed by consent, and inclusive of aesthesis – lived, felt experience, knowledge obtained through the senses? (Cazreaux, Clive. Art Philosophy Junction, aesthesis, definition 1.)

Research implementation and anticipated impact

På Plats generates, facilitates and documents a range of experiences that embody, contain and frame the many choreographic ideas, practices, gestures and actions at work and at play in end-of-life settings. The affective understandings may have the potential to contribute to positive transforming end-of-life settings for the people involved in working and visiting, living and dying in them.


Hospiceliniken, Ersta sjukhus Mälarbacken vård och omsorgsboende, Bromma stadsdelsförvaltning Strategic Research Area of Health Sciences (SFO-V), a collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University Stockholms Stad Äldreförvaltning

Research funding

Forte; Formas; Stockholm Stad; Vårdal Foundation; Stockholm City Elder Care Bureau; Strategic Research Area, Health care science at Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University


På Plats began in 2018 and is ongoing

Professor of Choreography for the profile area Site, Event, Encounter, Rebecca Hilton

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