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”Dramaturgy, devising and artistic research” by Synne Behrndt and Jon Refsdal Moe
Research Projects

”Dramaturgy, devising and artistic research” by Synne Behrndt and Jon Refsdal Moe

“Dramaturgy, devising and artistic research” is a research project by Synne Behrndt, Assistant Professor of Performing Arts, and Jon Refsdal Moe, Professor of Performing Arts.

The project investigated the dramaturgy of devising with a view to making proposals about contemporary devising as artistic research. We propose that devised dramaturgies are ‘outcomes’ of sophisticated research-based processes and the project documents the different ways in which contemporary practices and processes are, by their very nature, research in and through action.

Aim and research questions

Based on documented conversations with performance makers and artists we set out to find answers to the following questions: • How does performance and creative processes produce thought and critical thinking? • What kind of ‘thinking machine’ is theatre and performance? • What model of research does performance create? • What can we learn from making processes where there is no sharp distinction between making art and doing research?

Research implementation and anticipated impact

The project has resulted in the publication Dramaturgy and Research in Devised Theatre, published by the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU Press), 2023. The projects and its findings also fed into Synne Behrndt’s keynote address Dramaturgy and Artistic Research: Methods and frictions, delivered at the conference CARPA8 Solvitur Ambulando“ solved by moving” Dramaturgies of Artistic Research. The keynote has been published in the Proceedings of CARPA8, Nivel 21 Publication Series of the Theatre Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki.


Collaboration Dr Sodja Lotker (Prague Performing Arts Academy (DAMU) is a collaborator and member of the research group.


Schedule 2019–2023 (the project has been delayed due to the Covid19 pandemic and travel/contact restrictions). Has now been completed.

Assistant Professor of Performing Arts, Synne Behrndt

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