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in weakness
PhD Projects

in weakness

"in weakness" is a PhD project by Linn Hilda Lamberg. Linn Hilda Lamberg is a PhD student in Performing Arts.
Photo: Poste Restante

Participatory performing arts can be challenging for both audience and performer. The participatory audience format raises concrete issues of integrity and responsibility, both between work and recipient and between director and collaborator. 

Aim and research questions

In her research project "i svaghet", Linn Hilda Lamberg draws on experiences of directing participatory and inclusive performing arts. Through concrete examples and in-depth reflection, she explores the premise of a method of directing characterized by developed and deliberate weakness. In what ways is a directing practice based on weakness compatible or incompatible with the expectations we place on the director as an artist and supervisor? What are our own and others' expectations of the director based on, and how do these expectations shape our relationships and the art we make?

Research implementation and anticipated impact

Linn Hilda Lamberg joins the critical conversation about the director's professional role that has been going on for a long time but which has intensified in connection with the #metoo call (2017) and #tystandtagning (a Swedish call specificly targeting abuse and harassment within the field of film and theatre). Using her own and others' experiences of giving and receiving direction, and with theoretical tools and models drawn from post-structural critical power studies, Linn Hilda Lamberg tries to understand something about creativity's relationship to strength and weakness and about direction as individual and mutual work.

Principal Supervisor

Cecilia Roos


Sara Edenheim


Performance: Wuthering Wuthering Heights. Premiere 23 January. Other dates: 29 jan, 31 jan, 1 feb, 2 feb, 5 feb, 6 feb, 7 feb, 8 feb, 12 feb, 14 feb, 15 feb, 16 feb, 18 feb, 19 feb and 20 feb. Upcoming dates in Stockholm and in Ställberg will be added. Making Public is planned for November 2025, the Disputation is planned for December the same year.

PhD student, Linn Hilda Lamberg

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