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”Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises” by Josephine Rydberg
PhD Projects

”Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises” by Josephine Rydberg

"Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises" is a PhD project by Josephine Rydberg. Josephine is a PhD student in Film and Media.

Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises investigates possible synthesis of the apparently opposite polarities linear storytelling and participant driven interaction. Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises intends to compare different methods and practises by producing one story in two versions: one analogue as a short free form larp (scenario), and one digital for immersive Virtual Reality. Each production and various iterations will be documented and audience reactions studied in order to spot any meaningful differences.

Aim and research questions

Linear storytelling and game design, how can they play together? The two different experiences can from their respective audiences/participants points of view be described as a ‘lean back’ or ‘lean forwards’ position. The project aims to create a tool box for storytelling with a participating audience. From an artistic perspective it is insufficiently explored how participatory stories are experienced by the participants themselves. It is still somewhat unclear how to tell a good story for a participating audience, and by what criteria for quality they can be judged or even analysed, or how to construct a useful framework for critique of such works. Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises intends to show a form of participation that creates authenticity within that participant's own self and in collaboration with a narrative fiction, by reflecting on their own experience.

Research implementation and anticipated impact

Each production and various iterations will be documented and audience reactions studied in order to spot any meaningful differences. Dramaturgy for Participatory Practises shall give light upon new perspectives on participation dramaturgy, mainly for reflection and critical analysis within artistic research and spread terminology. As well as practises in artistic participation perspectives in the industry and in meeting the audience.


Stockholm Scenario Festival ( Folkteatern Gävleborg (


Start and end year for the research2018-2025 (working part time, 50%)


PhD student, Josephine Rydberg

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