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”Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action)” by Malin Arnell
PhD Projects

”Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action)” by Malin Arnell

Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action) was successfully defended at KTH R1 Experimental Performance Space on September 3, 2016.

During the Public Defence the format of Performative responses from the opponents and the examining committee were tried out as part of PhD projects objective of operating within a Performative realm.

Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action) introduces, purposes and explores a specific format, the live dissertation, an academic instance that demands performative responses from opponents and the examining committee during the public defence. It is a dissertation in choreography written through space-time-language-matter with and for human and more-than-human bodies, and other discursive-material becomings. It spans 72 hours, situating itself within and proceeding from a decommissioned nuclear reactor hall 25 meters below ground.

The documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis) can be found in DIVA and on the webpage for the research project.

Link to the database DiVA

Link to Avhandling / Av_handling (Dissertation / Through_action) webpage


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