UKÄ has decided that SKH has an approved quality assurance work!
The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) reviews the quality assurance work of all higher education institutions. The assessment material for the review is a self-evaluation written by the HEI and site visits by the assessment group appointed by the UKÄ.
The review includes six assessment areas: governance and organization; preconditions; design, implementation and outcomes; gender equality; student and doctoral student perspective and working life and collaboration. The overall judgement of the HEI's quality assurance processes is given on a three-point scale: approved quality assurance processes; approved quality assurance processes with reservations or quality assurance processes under review.
In November 2020, UKÄ decided on the quality assurance work of the SKH, based on the assessment group's assessment. SKH received an overall rating of approved quality assurance processes with reservations. It was only the assessment area of governance and organization that was not considered satisfactory.
In November 2022, SKH submitted its measures report to UKÄ on the measures taken in the area of governance and organization.
On 9 March 2023, UKÄ decided to give SKH the overall assessment of approved quality assurance work! SKH's analysis for the areas that were previously assessed as unsatisfactory is now considered satisfactory and the measures reported in the measure report are considered reasonable and appropriate.
Higher education institutions that receive an overall rating of approved quality assurance work meet all of UKÄ's assessment criteria. These are based on the Higher Education Act, Higher Education Ordinance and The Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).
Read UKÄ's decision and the assessment group's assessment here at UKÄ's website (in Swedish).