Research Week 2025
Tuesday 21 January – Studio 16, Brinellvägen 58
Workshop practice sharing sessions Part 1, session 1
Bodies as Ears-Invitation to Listen
Martin Sonderkamp, Professor of Choreography
Ulrika Berg, Assistant Professor of Dance
Hara Alonso, Composer
Jenny Sunesson, Affiliated researcher, Sound artist
What are you investigating and what will we experience during your presentation?
Through an embodied artistic research practice, we’re exploring how listening can transgress the acoustic when applied to place, body, memory and the imaginary. We write études (practices), choreograph and compose audio scores, and host participatory situations to transmit various listening modes. We will share some listening etudes with you in a shorter, practice-oriented workshop.
Presentation language
Workshop practice sharing sessions Part 1, session 2
Zoë Poluch, Assistant professor in Dance/Head of program, Bachelor program in Dance Performance
What are you investigating and what will we experience during your presentation?
I am a devotee to the specific ways of sensing, knowing and feeling that can be cultivated in a dance practice and/but observe a manifold of urgent and constant situations that my tangible dancerly capacities could be in relation to and with, but are not. I invite you to dance with me to find these relationships, asking how we can mobilize dancing for something more than itself.
Presentation language
Workshop practice sharing sessions Part 1, session 3
Tender Motor – a machine, a flock, a choir
Tove Salmgren, Assistant Professor of Choreography in Performative Practices
Moa Franzén, Artist
Kajsa Wadhia, Artist
What are you investigating and what will we experience during your presentation?
In the research project "Sonorous dances and reverberant matters", we are investigating the voice as a performative force that affects both inner and outer realities through manifestations of new relationships, affective associations and sensory experiences. In the workshop we will work with ways to release different sound bodies at the intersection between voice, breathing and choreography.
Presentation language
Workshop practice sharing sessions Part 2, session 1
Movements, body and AI technique
Katarina Lundmark, Assistant Professor in Jazz Dance
Åsa Johannisson, Assistant professor in mime acting
What are you investigating and what will we experience during your presentation?
We will present our pilot project which explores movement and body in different realities, an inquiry into corporeality and AI technique. The project was carried out in collaboration with Simon Alexandersson, an AI researcher from KTH. In our presentation we will describe the project background and process and, together with participants, share some of the practical methods we have developed.
Presentation language
Workshop practice sharing sessions part 2, session 2
Authorship Ownership and Control: Dancers’ roles and materials
Chrysa Parkinson, Professor of Dance and Head of Subject Dance
What are you investigating and what will we experience during your presentation?
A participatory presentation of working methods used in the artistic research project Authorship Ownership and Control: Dancers’ roles and materials.
Presentation language