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Events Spring 2024
Research Week 2024
16 January

Research Week 2024

Tuesday 16 January – Studio 16, Brinellvägen 58


Ami Skånberg
Associate Professor

Title of the presentation
Walking as choreography for artistic agency

What are you investigating and why?
I investigate walking as a specific artistic practice. My work with Japanese dance (nihon buyo) and the walking technique suriashi has brought me into new contexts, both historical and contemporary.

What will we experience during your presentation?
I will bring to life postmodern 'walking scores' in conversation with suriashi to put different perspectives on walking and choreography. I give some historical retrospectives as well as walking tasks in workshop form.

How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
My research on walking poses the question of the right to move in public space.


Marie Fahlin

Title of the presentation
The Curative Act

What are you investigating and why?
The research project The Curative Act aims to investigate how an artistic process between curator and choreographer can take form, the potential of the choreographed curator as part of a performative exhibition and to research methods and forms for curating singular choreographies in intra-action.

What will we experience during your presentation?
The presentation will give an overview of the project and the progress so far with examples from the one-to-one processes conducted with the invited choreographers and how these have added more and new dilemmas, issues, topics and proposals for the continuing process.

How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
In the first part of the project I have been working, together with invited choreographers, with an existing relational score, The Tiger’s Mind (Cornelius Cardew, 1967), with characters whose actions and emotions are dependent of and create each other. Ethical questions in relation to artistic work touches upon artistic integrity in relation to the changing form, demand and method of the process.


Alisan Funk
Assistant professor of Circus

Title of the presentation
Institutional Resistance as expression of "Knowing How" and "Knowing That"

What are you investigating and why?
Interview participants expressed resistance to, and rejection of, institutional structures through concepts of circus identity and expectations of educational experiences. In this presentation I describe circus in tension with institutionalization first from the perspective of circus identity and then expand the concept using Gilbert Ryle’s knowing-how/knowing-that differentiation (2009/1949).

What will we experience during your presentation?
This conference presentation of a forthcoming paper centres the influence of unconscious bias regarding knowledge hierarchies in arts practice and arts education.

How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
This presentation invites discussion around the hidden cultural influences students bring to the interpretation of their educational experiences.


(Presentation in Swedish)

Annika Notér Hooshidar
Assistant Professor of Dance Interpretation and of Modern and Contemporary Dance

Title of the presentation
Co creation - A study in collaborative processes and agency in a cross-disciplinary work with participants with or without normbreaking functionalities.

What are you investigating and why?
This is a final report from a research project that has focused on questions about collaborative processes in an ensemble where dancers and musicians with or without norm breaking functionalities work together. The study focuses agency, power, hierarchies and collaboration between different experiences and abilities.
What will we experience during your presentation?
I will present the project and show some excerpts from the process. Some interaction with the audience will happen.
How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
Questions concerning inclusive practices within dance are more and more current today, both around functions, age and others. To work with this in the context of dance and dance education with respect for every individuals own capacities is about both ethics and esthetics.


Kersti Brennan
Assistant professor of film editing

Annika Boholm, Assistant professor
Cecilia Öhrwall, Composer
Title of the presentation
Systrarna B. goes Fårö 

What are you investigating and why?
We explore documentary approaches for fiction storytelling, a porous overlap of fabulation and reality that takes the climate crisis seriously and looks for new strategies for sustainable filmmaking. We believe in drama as play and the audience's imagination: that Fårö can be France, that the Baltic Sea can be the Atlantic, that the same actor can portray a character from the cradle to the grave.

What will we experience during your presentation?
We will follow up on the presentation of the project The Sisters B. during Research Week 2022. We will present the script, expose the collaborative film process and show footage from a week on Fårö in October 2023. We invite the audience to talk about methods of creating and watching, insights we have gained along the way and where the film is headed.

How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
Throughout the project, we invite questions of intra-relational ethics and methods for dealing with collaborative challenges. Ethics in relation to material resources and environmental impact are embedded in our low-budget experimental fiction filmmaking, as climate issues occur in all actions and through action – an intertwining of ethics and aesthetics.


Christina Koch
Professor of Circus

Title of the presentation
Apparatus Design as a catalyst for creation

What are you investigating and why?
I am investigating what apparatus design ‘does’ as an active, co-creative agent of circus performance and its potential as a catalyst for creation. 
I’m doing this from a particular perspective to research circus, which asks what circus already ‘does’, what is already inherent in what we do and what we may gain when we start from here.

What will we experience during your presentation?
An invitation to listen in and join a generative conversation as I share the questions, pitfalls, insights, failures and discoveries of 16 years of research through apparatus design in the context of Contemporary Circus.
I am saying hello to SKH as the ‘new’ professor of circus and introducing myself and my artistic work and research.

How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
Working with new apparatus opens up questions around what constitutes a safe and sustainable working environment and practice.


Linn Hilda Lamberg 
PhD student
Title of the presentation
A real director

What are you investigating and why?
The research examines directing as a bodily practice and performative act. What are the things that I do in order to appear legitimate and relevant in my role as an artist and a leader? Which are the historically established ideals that have come to be associated with the director's professional role, and what happens when these ideals are accompanied with a contemporary critique of authoritative leadership?

What will we experience during your presentation?
We will dive deep both in the shame that comes with not passing as a ”real director” as well as the itch that comes with fitting the part.

How can your project open up thoughts about ethical issues within your artistic practice?
By raising awareness of the sometimes contradictory ideals of the directing profession, I hope to help working artists formulate their practice with sensitivity to their own ethics and care for the relative vulnerability that creative work inevitably entails.


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