Laura Savolainen
Mesmerized by a childhood movie’s graceful funambulist crossing the skies of Paris, taking first steps on a rope laid on the floor, shortly switching the rope into a metal cable and lifting the cable higher. Step by step, hour by hour, meter by meter the same aim is still there, the aim of finding a balance.
But instead of starting in front of the actual Notre Dame, Laura found her way to circus while surrounded by the forests of Finland. Throughout years of walking, running and dancing on her more or less linear path from Sorin Sirkus in Tampere, through Sasak in Lahti and finally all the way to Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) in Stockholm, the personal vocabulary of expressing herself has been evolving. And just like balancing is a state of constant movement, that journey keeps on continuing.
Sharply, musically yet fluently she goes while making her way and exploring the curiosities of the world.
Outside eye: Alejandro Bonnet
Composer: Joona Kukkola