News and events
Events Spring 2023
MA Acting expositions

MA Acting expositions

Performative presentations of nine independent degree project in MA Acting.

Meet nine actors and take part in their independent degree projects as performative presentations at SKH 24 April-4 May 2023. The international Master`s programme in Acting at SKH educates progressive actors and storytellers that shape the future narratives and the art of acting as creators. 

Free of charge, but a limited number of seats.

All expositions at 19:00-21:00 end with a Q & A, after a 5-minute break.

Master's programme in Acting

The MA students in Acting at SKH are artists who formulate principles for a new direction in the field of acting, built for engagement and empowerment. 

Methodology courses and practical workshop courses have been interlinked with seminars on literature and guest speakers, as well as studying critical theories and artistic research.

With a strong focus on narrative and audience, the programme has taken place with no boundaries between different forms of expression.

Public expositions at SKH 24 April-4 May 2023 

The expositions present the MA students' independent degree projects with a performative presentation and a written thesis.

You can find the students' processes on Research Catalogue (RC) - a site for artistic research that functions as a platform for the dissemination of self-published content as well as peer-reviewed publications.

The MA programme in Acting 2021-2023 has had students, workshop leaders, and seminar leaders from all over the world.

Head of Programme is Assistant Professor Ulrika Malmgren

Dalida Shaheen: Hayat

What will happen when you realise you don't own your life and that someone else owns it?

Monday 24 April at 13:00-15:00

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Senait Alobel: Jag och Hon - när scenen speglar livet

Den performativa skådespelaren. Vem är jag och vem är hon på scen, hur skiljer jag två åt när de blivit ett.

Monday 24 April at 19:00-21:00

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Hanna Normann: Who is stalking who

ILUF/Never forget that we met@internet

Tuesday 25 April at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Sara Myrberg: fake or fur

En performativ undersökning av en scen-persona. Vem är jag nu eller vad är jag nu?

Wednesday 26 April at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Martina Viglietti: FIN-I

The utopian connection

Thursday 27 April at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Gladys del Pilar: THE COLOR OF FEM-ME

Color = den färg jag. Har
Fem= mina persona
Me= det handlar om mig
Femme = kvinnan som är jag

Friday 28 April at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Alexander Lindman: The ADHD SoMe ACTOR and/or THIS IS a piece of ART! - A performance lecture

What is an AHDH Social Media Actor? Come let´s deneurotypicalize the actor´s techniques and working enviroments (and why not art and performance while we are at ??) together in my space(s)….Fun is the way!

Tuesday 2 May ​at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Karolina Willebrand Vinnberg: Sakletarhistoriska riksmuseet / The National Museum of Searching for Stuff 

Kära besökare ,välkommen till ett intimt och omvälvande möte med Sveriges starkaste och rödhårigaste kulturarv

Wednesday 3 May ​at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Karin Bergstrand: Hur gör vi med publikinsläppet?

Eva kan inte få nog av dig medan Margaretha är mer ambivalent. Möt två skådespelare i vilkas konstnärskap du som publik spelar väldigt olika roller.

Thursday 4 May at 13:00-14:00 and at 19:00-21:00

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Past dates
Monday 24 Apr 13:00 - Thursday 4 May 21:00

Price: Free of charge.

Location: SKH Valhallavägen 193 Stockholm

Other: All expositions at 19.00-21.00 includes a Q & A after a 15 minutes break.

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