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Events Spring 2022
VIS release #7

VIS release #7

VIS is launching issue #7 (Editor: Anna Lindal) with “Metamorphoses – Tales of the Ever-Changing” during Artistic Research Spring Forum 14 March 2022.

As part of the Artistic Research Spring Forum 2022, Anna Lindal, Editor of VIS issue 7, will present the new issue themed “Metamorphoses – Tales of the Ever-Changing”, and Klara Waara, Sergio Montero Bravo, Paola Torres Núñez del Prado and Tobias Leibetseder will participate with their published expositions.

The issue, which features five expositions, deals in different ways with metamorphoses. How do we relate practices of transformation in art to our own time? Is the trope of metamorphosis still relevant or has it become obsolete in a post-internet era where time, information and art are seamlessly intertwined and where transformation is increasingly present in the everyday life? Alternatively, are contemporary artistic practices particularly well-suited to deal with this ever-present dynamism?

Expositions in VIS Issue 7

Arturo Delgado Pereira – We Would Strike!: Beyond Representation in a Post-Industrial Town. (in English)
Paola Torres Núñez del Prado – The Sonified Textiles within the Text(il)ura Performance: Cross-cultural Tangible Interfaces as Phenomenological Artifacts (in English)
Sergio Montero Bravo – Territorial Art, Design & Architecture (in English)
Klara Waara – Ta Form (in Swedish)
Tobias Leibetseder/Thomas Grill– Fragments in Time (in English)

Go to Registration: Artistic Research Spring Forum 2022

Visit VIS – Nordic Journal for Artistic Research

Link to the zoom-event: VIS #7 release


Image: Screenshot from exposition “We Would Strike!: Beyond Representation in a Post-Industrial Town.” In VIS issue 7, by Arturo Delgado Pereira.


Past dates
Monday 14 Mar, 15:00-15:45

Location: Digital event on zoom during Artistic Research Spring Forum 2022

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