Alex Nowitz's public defence
The disputation of the documented artistic research project (doctoral thesis) Monsters I love: On Multivocal Arts is based on two parts:
- Solo performance: Moving Tongues: Playing Space featuring voice, strophonion and video, which took place on 13 December 2018 at Reaktorhallen, KTH, Stockholm, and
- Exposition Monsters I Love: On Multivocal Arts published in DiVA and Research Catalogue.
Opponent: Tone Åse: Associate Professor at the Department of Music, NTNU
Supervisors: Rolf Hughes: PhD, Professor, Director of Artistic Research, Experimental Architecture Group at the University Newcastle upon Tyne)
Co-Supervisor: Sten Sandell: PhD in Fine Arts in Musical Performance and Interpretation at the University of Gothenburg, (Musician, Vocal Performer, Composer)
Chairman of committee: Wilhelm Carlsson: Professor of Musical Drama at Stockholm University of the Arts and University College of Opera
Examination committee:
Franziska Baumann: lecturer at the Berne University of Music, Professor for voice training and contemporary vocal music at the Théatre Musical departement.
Henrik Frisk: lecturer at KMH and Lund University
Morten Qvenild: Associate professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music in the department of Jazz, Improvised Music and Traditional Nordic Folk Music Department
Stand-by: Juliette Mapp: Professor of Concept and Composition at Stockholm University of the Arts
Price: Free admission, no pre-booking.
Location: Hugoteatern, University College of Opera, Teknikringen 35 (KTH-campus)