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Events autumn 2024
Degree projects 2024, BA in Dance performance
Minga de fuegitos

Minga de Fuegitos

Individual degree presentation by Aymara von Borries Bisbicus, BA Dance performance.

more than a word
or a people's intellectual property,
it's a feeling
a sense for/of collectivity
a communal effort

We are studying and living with and despite systematic oblivion, denial of rights, erasures, forced displacements, people and forests burning, burn outs. We want to gather to burn an other fire. One that cooks soup, holds the knowledge of our bod(territor)ies and mobilizes love for a collective work of hope.

the Minga is held by you, us, everyone who is present
by dancing, attending, shouting out, singing, sitting, resting you contribute
you can look at it with distance, later!

Have a look into the booklets, if you want to read more on the practice of Minga, the ties, references, how’s, why’s and learnings of the process in relation to my positionality.

Authored by many
Performed by everyone
Accompanied in the process by a few
Words in cursive letters by Carmen Blanco Valer
Credits of music you will find on the speaker
Thank you to everyone for sharing your knowledges and warmth everyday!

The event with all 13 presentations and bookings.

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