Ester Martin Bergsmark’s public defence
The doctoral artistic research project by Ester Martin Bergsmark was published in DiVA and Research Catalogue on 1 September, 2023. The language of the publication is English.
Follow the Public defence live here:
13:00-13:10 Welcome by Maria Hedman Hvitfeldt, Head of Department 2 and opening by Chair Cecilia Roos, Vice-Rector at Research at SKH.
13:10-13:40 Respondent's presentation of research projects
13:40-15:00 Opponent's summary and discussion between opponent and respondent.
15:00-15:10 Pause
15:15 Questions from the Examination committee
Questions from the audience
16:00 Break for the audience, Examination committee deliberates and then announces the results.
Susan M Winterling, artist, artistic researcher and professor of material and medium based art and head of program at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.
Examination committee:
Viktor Neumann, art historian and curator
Sher Doruff, artist, writer and theorist.
Wibke Straube, gender studies scholar.
Substitute: Martin Hargreaves, dramaturg, writer, and performer
Jenny Sundén, Lina Selander.
A short summary of my research voice under
In my doctoral thesis voice under, I explore all the parallel voices beyond the dominating all-knowing voice over. The intention is to open up a wider sensory register in both the creation and the experience of film. If voice over is the superior voice that dictates truth, I examine voice under, a voice of other promiscuous truths that exist simultaneously.
The performative screening consists of audio, moving images, and somatic exercises. The aim is to invite the audience to explore a wider sensory register and different ways of seeing.
The book voice under, gather a collection of texts which explores and plays with the concept voice under through encounters with examples from my own filmmaking, from other filmmakers, as well as more theoretical renderings of bodies, gender, trans experiences, desire, violence, and trauma.
In and through this exploration, I ask: How can the language and imagery of film be used to reach beyond language and imagery? How can a more capacious imagination be activated? The unique potential of film exists in its dizzying ability to create other images and other worlds. Film opens us up to the sensuous. When film activates our memories and feelings, it also creates the possibility of other and different ways of being with them. That is what is filmic about film, and this potential is a queer potential. Because what is queer cannot be reduced to what is visible to the camera.
The defence is held in English.
For the Public defence, the thesis text will also be available in book form, published by Mousse Publishing:
Price: Free entrance
Location: SKH, Valhallavägen 189, Bion
Other: The time of the Public defence is preliminary. The defence has no fixed end time, as the Examination Committee must have the opportunity to ask the questions they deem necessary.