News and events
Events Autumn 2020
Texter som ingen läser

Texter som ingen läser

Welcome to "Texter som ingen läser", an open digital seminar An open digital seminar, followed by a book release, on writing in art colleges.

The seminar would have taken place at Färgfabriken but is now entirely online – which means that more people can join!

The day begins with conversations (through Zoom) in small working groups where about thirty invited guests participate (Arazo Arif, Dmitri Plax, Bella Rune, John-Paul Zaccarini, Ingela Josefson, Erik Gandini, John Swedenmark, Mia Engberg, Ann-Sofi Sidén, Mårten Medbo, Clara Diesen, Carley Moore, Maria Zennström, Lotta Eriksson, Lars Hermansson, Klara Björk, Sara Arrhenius, Magnus Bärtås, Staffan Julén and many more.).

After lunch, the seminar opens up to a larger audience (13.00–17.00). Author and teacher Carley Moore from New York will talk about her unusual methods of getting students to write better and clearer. In the afternoon, the various working groups from the morning will discuss Dirty Writing, potato printing, dyslexic strategies, writing role models, words like materiality, and how research begins. There will also be surprises in the form of poetry and literature.

(Carley Moore will also hold a writing workshop on the 26 and 27 of November. Read more: Writing workshop with Carley Moore)

The day ends with a livestremead and IRL-book release at galleri TEGEN2, 18.00–20.00, of Texter som ingen läser. Om skrivande på konstnärliga högskolor by Nils Claesson. A digital version of the book was published in Diva 24 November 2020. Find it here: Texter som ingen läser

Both seminar and the book release is arranged by Nils Claesson; artist, writer, and filmmaker with a Ph.D. in artistic research.

Do you want to join the seminar? RSVP to Nils Claesson, +46 70 632 93 69 or

Link to Zoom:


Past dates
Monday 30 Nov, 13:00-17:00
Monday 30 Nov, 18:00-20:00

Location: Seminar: Online via Zoom, Book release: Galleri TEGEN 2, Bjurholmsgatan 9b + livestream

Other: RSVP to Nils Claesson, +46 70 632 93 69 or

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