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The library's resources
Streamed film and sound
Here you will find, among other things, film databases, filmed theatre performances, music, radio theatre and filmed dance performances.
Article and research databases
Here you can find databases of articles, manuscripts, e-books, research and other texts. Scroll down for research databases such as DiVA.
Other databases
Open, free digitised collections of, for example, books, images, legal texts, posters and theatre programmes.
E-journals Dance
Electronic journals on dance, dance education and related topics, both open access and those available through the library's subscriptions.
E-journals Film
Electronic journals on film and related subjects, both open access and those available through library subscriptions.
E-journals Performance
Electronic journals on theatre, performance art, digital media and related topics, both open access and those available through library subscriptions.
E-journals Theatre
Electronic journals on theatre and related subjects, both open access and those available through library subscriptions.
E-journals Others
Electronic journals on other subjects, including artistic research more generally and interdisciplinary journals, both open access and those available through library subscriptions.