Library and Archive
External access to the library - See the Contact and opening hours section.
Here you will find the library's catalogue, Fabula and the national library catalogue, Libris. The Global Grant scholarship database is also available here, as well as links to databases and subject-specific e-journals.
On this page you will find information about loans and loan rules.
Contact and opening hours
Here you will find addresses, opening hours and information for the three different libraries at SKH. You can also find contact information for everyone who works at the library. Others are welcome by appointment to Valhallavägen 193 Fridays between 9.30-12.00.
Research and student work at SKH
On this page we collect links where you can see theses, dissertations, expositions, research films, publications and more from research at SKH. Student work is also collected here.
Distance Learning
SKH offers several distance learning programmes and courses. Here we collect information and resources on how we at the library can support you if you are studying elsewhere.
Reading impairments
For people with reading impairments, the library offers several different support functions. Here you can read about the Legimus audio book system and the TorTalk speech synthesis tool.
Write and publish
When you are writing a work or publishing your work in DiVA, Research Catalog or SKH's publication series X Position, here are some tips and resources.
More on the Library and Archive
Here we tell you more about the history of the different units and how their collections came to be here with us.
The archive at SKH contains collections of documents and media from our current organisation, but also historically from the schools that merged to form SKH.