Extended educational information
Admission Process Master's Programme Dance Education

Eligibility and Selection Tests Master's Programme Dance Education

Time Plan 

Last day of application via 16 January 2023

  • You apply to the programme and upload documentation that proves your eligibility for the general entry requirements and the specific entry requirements in the form of English 5 and 6, Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts or other relevant bachelor's degree or the quivalent, as well as professional work experience as a dance teacher, choreographer or dancer.

Last day to submit your work samples via Varbi: 16 January 2023

  • You register in the Varbi system and submit the requested work samples: a text, film, resume, and idea sketch. 

Last day to complete your application with supporting documentation to prove your eligibilty via 1 February 2023

Eligibility and Selection Tests: 13–15 mars 2023 


Eligibility test

The specific entry requirements for the programme consists of several parts: Language requirements; previous studies corresponding to a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts or equivalent; professional work experience; and an assessment of work samples consisting of documentation that you upload with your application, and an eligibility test which is carried out via Zoom. You must meet all specifc entry requirements to be eligible for the programme.


Assessment of work samples and professional experience 

The assessment corresponds to the specific entry requirement A grade of Pass in qualification test showing experience in and ability to develop pedagogical work within an artistic context.

The assessment is carried out by an admissions group that assesses the material you have submitted via and Varbi.


Pass, the applicant demonstrates ability according to the following criteria:

  • showing experience of and ability to develop pedagogical work within an artistic context

Fail, the applicant does not meet the criteria for approved.


Eligibilty test

The test corresponds to the specific entry requirement A grade of Pass in qualification test showing artistic, pedagogical and reflective ability

The test is conducted via Zoom and assessed by an admissions group. The test consists of the three parts where the applicant's artistic, pedagogical and reflective abilities are assessed:

  1. Implementation of a pedagogical teaching concept, where the participants consist of other applicants (approx. 20 min). Before the test, you prepare and hand in a written didactic plan for the teaching concept (approx. 1 A4 page).
  2. A written analysis and reflection on a co-applicant's pedagogical teaching idea that is done in connection with the test.
  3. An investigation of a movement material. You prepare a movement phrase (approx. 1 minute) and in connection with the test you will be given instructions to examine your own material.


Passed, the applicant demonstrates ability according to the following criteria:

  • artistic ability for articulated movement and creativity,
  • pedagogical ability to relate communication, interaction and your pedagogical teaching concept,
  • reflective ability to analyze and critically examine approach

Fail, the applicant does not meet the criteria for approved.


After eligibility test

After the eligibility test, the head of the Department of Dance Pedagogy makes a decision on eligibility. Selection for the programme takes place through a selection test among the applicants meeting the entry requirements, should there be more eligible applicants than places on the programme. Only applicants who meet the requirements for general and specific entry requrements proceed to the selection.


Selection test

The selection takes place through assessment of the submitted idea sketch and an interview which is conducted with the applicant via Zoom. The assessment is made by an admissions group.

The idea sketch is assessed on the basis of the applicants ability to formulate an idea with the aim of developing the field of dance education. During the interview, you will have the opportunity to verbally describe your idea. The selection is based on an overall assessment of the idea sketch and interview where both your pedagogical and artistic background are taken into account.


Idea sketch and interview are assessed on the basis of the applicant's ability to formulate an idea with the aim of developing the field of dance education. The assessment takes place according to a five-point scale, where 1 is the lowest assessment and 5 the highest.

  1. The applicant does not demonstrate the required ability.
  2. The applicant demonstrates the required ability to some extent.
  3. The applicant demonstrates the required ability.
  4. The applicant demonstrates the requested ability well.
  5. The applicant demonstrates the requested ability very well.


After selection test

After the selection test, the admissions group meets and compose a proposal about which applicants should be admitted and who should be placed on the reserve list. Following proposals from the admissions group, the vice-chancellor makes decisions about admitted and reserve students.

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