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SKH’s processing of students' personal data

SKH’s processing of students' personal data

SKH will process the personal data that you provide when applying to the university and other personal data that are relevant to your studies at SKH such as Ladok etc.
Man with a long receipt
Photo: Per Bolkert/SKH

The purpose of the processing of personal data is for study administrative purposes.

The data will be processed as long as you are a student at SKH and will be retained after completed studies in accordance with, among other things. the Archives Act (1990: 782) and the National Archives regulations, Ordinance (1993: 1153) on the reporting of studies, etc. at Universities and University colleges.
SKH will also share the personal information needed to carry out the duties that SKH has as a University. This includes for example contact with other authorities, such as the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), CSN and the Social Insurance Office (Försäkringskassan).

Entry system

Students who receive a passage card for entry are registered in an entry system which, in addition to identification information, means that registration of entry times takes place. The purpose of the entry system is to secure the working environment and limit access to the premises. When the passage card is used, this is registered. Data on entry and exit are deleted after one year.

IT system and computer resources

Getting an account with SKH's computer system means that information relating to the account, for example, username and password is registered and that it is then possible to trace, for example, login to individual students. Rules for using SKH's computer resources can be found in the accountability that a student must sign to get an account. In order to provide SKH's computer users with effective help, personal information is also registered to provide user support.


To be able to borrow from SKH’s Library you need to be registered in the local library system. Your personal information comes from the university's central register of staff and students. The information that forms the basis for the registration is: name, telephone and e-mail and is necessary to enable home loan of the library's resources.
The information in the library system will be processed during the time the loan account is active after which it will be deleted. If you do not choose to end the agreement yourself, inactive accounts will be automatically deleted when you are no longer a student or employee of SKH. If you do not want to be included in the loan register, you can not borrow but read or see the material in the library.

Photography and filming

During your studies at SKH you may, on different occasions, be photographed or filmed. This may include documentation of teaching, presentations, joint gatherings such as start of the term, etc. The material will be archived and may be used for study purposes, for marketing or for information purposes. In these cases, it will be published in digital format on, for example, the university's website, intranet, social media channels (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram et al.) or in print format (the course catalogue, information brochures, the annual report etc.). The material may in some cases be used by external parties such as collaborators, in a review of a production that you have participated in or similar. You will be informed in advance of these photo- /film sessions and may then, in most cases, chose to refrain from participating.

Optional information

As a student in a programme, you have the possibility to have your own profile page on our website The profile page contains your name, preferably your photo, your programme and contact information (your Uniarts e-mail address and if you want your phone number). More detailed information about this will can be found in the Student Handbook on the intranet's Student Portal.


According to Article 15 of the EU Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to have access to the personal data that SKH processes about you (a register extract). Such an application is sent to or SKH, Att: Dataskyddsombud (Data Protection Ombudsman), Box 24045, 104 50 Stockholm

Read more

Read more about how SKH handles personal data.

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