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Equal terms

Equal terms

Our vision is to be a non-discriminatory workplace and study place where people meet on equal terms and where our activities are characterised by openness.
A dressing room mirror on which someone has written "You are the best!" with a lipstick.
Photo: Jonas Jörneberg

Stockholm University of the Arts’ vision is to be a non-discriminatory workplace and place of study, where people meet on equal terms in an environment that promotes diversity as a prerequisite for future development and greater quality within the university. SKH will also be a university that appreciates a diversity of participants and perspectives. By working actively and consciously to achieve equality, we are creating the conditions for the future development of knowledge and society.

SKH's activities will be characterised by openness towards students, employees and applicants, irrespective of any of the grounds for discrimination

  • gender,
  • transgender identity or expression1,
  • ethnicity
  • religion or other belief,
  • disability 2,
  • sexual orientation
  • age.

Equal terms should shape the university as a workplace, and as an educational and research environment. SKH will work actively, inclusively and preventively to protect students' and employees' various experiences, conditions and living conditions, as this promotes the further development of the university and the development of society at large.

SKH will be an attractive place to study and work, with a culture based on respect, equal treatment, opportunities for involvement and participation with a well defined organisation with clear decision-making processes, strong student and staff influence and good leadership. The university will therefore work continually to improve knowledge regarding equality issues, norm-criticism and equal treatment at the university for employees, students and applicants.


1 SKH prefers the terms gender identity or gender expression, rather than the normative term “transgender”. These terms are used except in cases where reference is being made to the Discrimination Act.

2 SKH prefers the terms functional variation, norm-breaking functionality or norm-breaking functional variation rather than disability. These terms describe a person’s physical, mental or cognitive function and are used instead of "disability", except in cases where reference is being made to the Discrimination Act.

Read more at Diskrimineringsombudsmannens website


SKH takes all forms of discimination and abuse very seriously. It is important to clarify what help is available to you as as student or employee should you be subjected to any form of unwelcome behaviour. In the brochure on this page you can read about how you can get support if you have been discriminated against and how SKH as a higher education institution works with these issues.

Active measures

According to the Discrimination Act, active measures relate both to preventing discrimination, as well as to promoting equal rights and opportunities regardless of grounds for discrimination. Active measures cover both the systematic work regarding the study environment and the working environment, as well as students, applicants to courses, employees and applicants for positions.

At SKH, the university-wide active measures are gathered in the document here. Not all events are listed in the document, since continuous development work is done to ensure that SKH is a non-discriminatory and equal study and workplace where everyone feels welcome.

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