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Credit transfer

Credit transfer

If you consider that you already have qualifications that correspond to the content of your current course, through previous studies or professional experience, you can apply for credit transfer.
A performing arts student stands high up on a lighting rig and blows soap bubbles.
Photo: Jonas Jörneberg

The basic position is that anyone admitted to a study program is to study in accordance with the program’s syllabus. However, if a student considers that, via earlier studies at a Swedish or foreign higher education institution, or via professional activity, they have qualifications that equate to the content of their present courses and study programs, they can apply for credit transfer.

Credit transfer is regulated in §§ 6 – 8, chap. 6 of Sweden’s Higher Education Ordinance. Credit transfer guidelines are also found in the System of qualifications.

Conditions for credit transfer are:

  • You have successfully completed another higher education program. However, this does not apply if there are significant differences between the two sets of courses and study programs.
  • You have acquired knowledge and skills of such nature and extent that they essentially equate to those expected to be acquired via the courses and study programs in respect of which credit transfer is intended.
  • You have been admitted to, and are undertaking, studies at Stockholm University of the Arts.

How to apply

You apply for credit transfer by completing the Application for credit transfer.pdf form.

When you write the application, you must enter the full name of the course/modules in the course for which you would like credit transfer. The courses in a program are set out in the program’s syllabus. Learning outcomes for the program and the courses are set out in, respectively, the program and course syllabuses (available on the intranet).

​​​​​​​You must append the following to the application:

  • Transcripts and certificates from the higher education institution where you have completed the courses and study program. Said transcripts and certificates shall be in Swedish or English and, for each course, contain details of grades, course completion date and course name.
  • If the course was studied at a foreign university, you also need to append transcripts and certificates in the original language and translations into Swedish or English.
  • The syllabus for each course at the time you were taking it. Said course syllabus shall set out the content of the course, its structure and literature list. If these are not set out, you will need to supplement with other course documentation received while you were taking the course.
  • If you studied at a foreign university, details of course scope in weeks, hours, etc. must be set out. You should append a timetable or other documents corroborating the scope of the courses and study programs.
  • If you would like credit transfer for other education/activity, you must append certificates, course syllabuses, timetables or other documents corroborating content and scope of the education/activity.

You should remember to:

  • Complete the form meticulously and ensure that you have filled in all parts properly and correctly. After that, sign the application.
  • It must be clearly set out whether credit transfer is in respect of earlier university/other studies or professional activity. In some cases, both these may be relevant.
  • The scope, knowledge and skills gained via earlier university/other studies or professional activity must equate to those you are expected to acquire as per the syllabus governing the course/module in respect of which they would like credit transfer. You yourself must explain how your gained knowledge equates to that expected from the course/module for which you would like credit transfer. 1.5 higher education credits equates to 1 week’s study = 40 hours.
  • Append attested copies of certificates, etc.
  • Submit your application in good time. If you have not received a decision by the time the course starts, you must start the course. If you choose not to start the course while waiting for a decision and your application is then rejected, you cannot count on being allowed to start the course after course commencement (you will have to wait until the course is next offered).
  • It can take up to 60 days to completely process an application.
  • If a full application is not received after a request for supplementation, your application may be rejected.
  • In some cases, a granted credit transfer may mean that, for a certain period, you will not meet the requirements for receiving full student finance. You should contact CSN if they have any questions about this.

If you have questions about your credit transfer, contact the course coordinator or the Educational Administration Department (UA) officer at your department.

The application for credit transfer and its appendices are to be emailed to or posted to:

Stockholm University of the Arts
Box 24045
SE-104 50 Stockholm


When reached, the decision on the application is sent to you via email. It will also be documented in the Ladok study documentation system.

​​​​​​​Rejection of credit transfer applications can be appealed. The decision contains appeal instructions. An appeal must be made within three weeks of you learning of the decision. 

Documents for downloading

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