About SKH
SKH in a turbulent world

SKH in a turbulent world

Ongoing wars and conflicts in the world can cause concern among both students and staff. SKH's position in relation to conflicts and events may be questioned.

What has been going on since 7 October 2023 means terrible suffering for people in Palestine and Israel. The war must end.

As a university, SKH is founded on compassionate, democratic and academic values. We are committed to human rights, academic freedom and freedom of speech.

Freedom of research is a fundamental principle for SKH, and our artistic collaborations are based on academic and artistic values, with the aim of contributing to a better and more peaceful world.

Everyone at SKH, staff and students alike, are free to express their views as individuals and to choose to participate in peaceful demonstrations or other expressions of opinion. This is a fundamental right for all members of society in a democratic society and is important to safeguard.

As a Swedish university, SKH is a public authority under the government with a mandate to conduct education and research. SKH cannot pursue its own foreign policy, only the Swedish government can do that.

Information about the Swedish government's position.

SKH stands with the Swedish Government in the recognition of the immense human suffering of both the Palestinian and the Israeli civilian population, where thousands of civilians have lost their lives. A public stance and position from SKH, as a Swedish university and public authority, in the war is not possible. However, we condemn all forms of violence, including abuses against the civilian population.

In connection with Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Swedish government cancelled all Swedish authorities' cooperation with Russia. With regard to the war between Hamas and Israel, the Government has not taken a similar position. SKH has no ongoing co-operation with Israel.

SKH has staff and students who have family and friends who are in the middle of the war. It is of utmost importance and the responsibility of SKH that all students and staff feel safe when studying and working at SKH.

Joint statement from Sweden's Higher Education Institutions via SUHF (The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions) 

21 May 2024

Statement on the war between Israel and Hamas

The geopolitical situation today is more serious than it has been for a very long time. Ongoing conflicts are resulting in great human suffering and it is painful to witness what is happening around the world. Our thoughts are with all those affected by the misery of war.

The war between Israel and Hamas arouses strong commitment among many, including at Swedish universities. We see this now, for example, with the ongoing manifestations at a number of Swedish universities around the country.

Swedish higher education institutions do not have a mandate or mandate to pursue foreign policy issues. This means that neither employees, students nor interest groups can expect universities, as employers or education providers, to manifest foreign policy views or take a position on foreign policy issues. The academy should be free from pressure.

At Swedish higher education institutions, even difficult issues should be discussed. We expect general democratic principles to be respected, that everyone seeks dialogue instead of conflict and respects the opinions of others even if they differ from their own. 

Expressions of opinion and demonstrations should of course be carried out with respect for all staff and students and consider the continuity of university activities. We do not accept harassment of staff or students or compromising their safety.

We value academic collaboration. Researchers have the freedom to decide how and with whom they cooperate, subject to the laws and regulations laid down by parliament and government. This may mean that through exchanges and collaborations they also operate in regions where there is war or conflict. These difficult considerations are made with the support of the checklist that SUHF has drawn up on responsible internationalisation; Global Responsible Engagement: Checklist

We all hope that the war will end soon. The Swedish higher education institutions see it as an important task to according to ability be part of the reconstruction of the academic institutions damaged or destroyed during the war. 

Read about SUHF


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