About SKH
Quality Enhancement Work
Results of evaluations and reviews

Results of evaluations and reviews

Here, we publish results for the different internal and external evaluations and reviews that affect SKH’s activities.
A professor carefully studies a receipt several metres long. From the operaperformance Don Pascuale, 2022.
Photo: Per Bolkert/SKH

Internal evaluation and monitoring

Course evaluation

Study environment surveys

Educational evaluation with external review

Course evaluation

The Board of Education and Research (NUF) has decided on guidelines for course evaluation at SKH. A course evaluation is performed after all courses so that the students’ opinions on the completed course can emerge. The course evaluations are an important basis for the university’s quality enhancement work and the work of course development.

The course evaluations must be compiled, reported back and made available. This is partly done by means of the course report that the course coordinating teacher writes after performing the course evaluation. The course report contains a compilation of the students’ answers to six mandatory questions and course-specific questions, as well as the teacher’s analysis and proposals for action.

You can find the guidelines for course evaluation at SKH here: Guidelines for course evaluations.pdf

Study environment surveys

A study environment survey is performed every other year. The survey focuses on the study environment, i.e. the students’ work environment, and primarily includes questions about the psychosocial environment.

The results of the study environment survey are mainly used in systematic work environment management. This is done, for example, by the academic and administrative departments including activities in their work environment plans based on the results that have emerged from the study environment survey. More general measures appear in the work environment plan for SKH.

You can find the result of the latest study environment survey here:

Result Study environment survey 2024.pdf

You can find the results of older study environment surveys here (in Swedish).

The work environment plan for the whole of SKH may be found on SKH’s intranet and is available to staff and students at SKH.

Educational evaluation with external review

During 2019 and 2020, a pilot of the internal educational evaluation was performed. Two programmes were evaluated: the two year master’s programme in New performative practices and the one year master’s programme Black Mirrors. The model involves the responsible department writing a self-assessment and the education then being reviewed by an external group of assessors. After the review, the department produced an action plan for the further development of the education. The plan is followed up by the Committee for Education and Research (NUF).

You can find the self-assessment, report from the external group of assessors and actions for the programmes in the pilot here:

Self-evaluation NPP.pdf

Report review NPP.pdf

Åtgärder NPP.pdf

Självvärdering Svarta speglar.pdf (in Swedish)

Rapport bedömargrupp Svarta speglar.pdf (in Swedish)

Åtgärder Svarta speglar.pdf (in Swedish)

During 2021, the model for internal educational evaluations was assessed by an external party. In 2022, NUF revised the model and determined the Guidelines for educational evaluations.pdf. The revision was performed with the aim of simplifying the model and making it more effective without reducing the value of the educational evaluations as part of the university’s quality system for education.

Timetable educational evaluation.pdf

Academic year 2022/2023

Självvärdering Magisterprogram i opera, inriktning sång.pdf (in Swedish)

Bedömarrapport Magisterprogram i opera, inriktning sång.pdf (in Swedish)

Beslut om åtgärder Magisterprogram i opera, inriktning sång.pdf (in Swedish)

Självvärdering Masterprogram i film och media.pdf (in Swedish)

Bedömarrapport Masterprogram i film och media.pdf (in Swedish)

Beslut om åtgärder Masterprogram i film och media.pdf (in Swedish)

Självvärdering forskarutbildningen.pdf

Bedömarrapport forskarutbildningen.pdf

Beslut om åtgärder forskarutbildningen.pdf (in Swedish)

Academic year 2023/2024

Self-evaluation Bachelor programme in Circus.pdf

Assessment report Bachelor Programme in Circus.pdf

Beslut om åtgärder Kandidatprogram i cirkus.pdf (in Swedish)

Self-evaluation Bachelor programme in Performance arts.pdf (in Swedish)

Assessment report Bachelor Programme in Performing arts.pdf

Beslut om åtgärder Kandidatprogram i scenkonst.pdf (in Swedish)

Self-evaluation Master programme in Choreography.pdf

Assessment report Master programme in Choreography.pdf

External evaluation and reviews

The activities of universities are continuously reviewed by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) on behalf of the government. Among other things, UKÄ review the quality of the universities’ educational programmes, as well as the universities’ own systems for quality assurance.

UKÄ’s thematic evaluations
UKÄ’s review of SKH’s quality assurance work
UKÄ’s evaluation of subject teaching, specialisation dance

UKÄ’s thematic evaluations

UKÄ conducts, on behalf of the Government, various thematic evaluations based on each higher education institution's specific profile and conditions. The purpose of the thematic evaluations is to contribute important knowledge and national comparisons of how higher education institutions work, and knowledge of the results achieved within the theme in question. UKÄ's ambition is for the thematic evaluations to be of great importance to the development work of the higher education institutions.

The assessment is given in the form of recommendations to each higher education institution by the assessment group appointed by UKÄ. No overall judgement is given, i.e. whether the work within the theme is approved or not.

Widening participation

In 2021, UKÄ is evaluating the higher education institutions' work with widening participation. The evaluation is based on the requirement in the Higher Education Act that states that the task of higher education institutions includes actively promoting and widening participation in higher education.

In April 2021, SKH, like other higher education institutions, submitted a self-evaluation to UKÄ. In February 2022, the higher education institutions received feedback on their work with broadened recruitment from an assessment group appointed by UKÄ.

You can find SKH’s self-assessment of the work on widening participation and the assessment group’s statement here:

Self-evaluation Widening Participation.pdf

Bedömargruppens yttrande breddad rekrytering.pdf (in Swedish)

SKH:s åtgärdsredovisning.pdf (in Swedish)

Collaboration with the surrounding community

In 2024, UKÄ will evaluate higher education institutions' collaboration with the surrounding community. The evaluation is based on the requirement in the Higher Education Act, which states that the task of higher education institutions includes collaborating with the surrounding community for mutual exchange and working to ensure that the knowledge and expertise available at the university benefits society.

In January 2024, SKH, like other higher education institutions, submitted a self-evaluation to UKÄ. In autumn 2024, the higher education institutions will receive feedback on their work on collaboration with the surrounding community from the assessment group appointed by UKÄ. In 2026, SKH must submit an action report in response to the recommendations received by SKH.

Here you can find SKH's self-assessment of the work on collaboration with the surrounding community:

Self-assessment Collaboration with the surrounding community.pdf

UKÄ’s review of SKH’s quality assurance work

In December 2019, SKH presented a self-assessment of the university’s quality assurance work. In spring 2020, a group of assessors appointed by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) made visits to SKH, one of which was performed via zoom. They interviewed management, teachers, students and doctoral students, among others.

In November 2020, UKÄ gave its decision on SKH’s quality assurance work, based on the assessment group’s statement. The overall assessment of the universities’ quality assurance work is given on a three-grade scale: approved, approved with reservations and questionable quality assurance work.

The overall assessment of the quality assurance work at SKH was Approved with Reservations. Of the six assessment areas included in the review, at SKH only one area – Governance and Organisation – was not considered to be satisfactory.

The other five – Conditions; Design, Performance and Results; Gender Equality; Student and Doctoral Student Influence and Working Life and Collaboration – were considered to be satisfactory. UKÄ’s decision is based on the assessment group’s statement.

In November 2022, SKH submitted to UKÄ its report on what action had been taken in the Governance and Organisation assessment area.

In March 2023, UKÄ decided that SKH’s quality assurance work had been approved.

You can find SKH’s self-assessment, UKÄ’s decision, including the assessment group’s statement, SKH’s report on action taken, UKÄ’s decision on the follow up and the assessment group’s statement on the follow up here:

Self-evaluation quality assurance.pdf

UKÄ beslut inklusive samlat omdöme.pdf (in Swedish)

Bedömargruppens yttrande.pdf (in Swedish)

SKH:s åtgärdsredovisning.pdf (in Swedish)

UKÄ beslut uppföljning.pdf (in Swedish)

Bedömargruppens yttrande uppföljning.pdf (in Swedish)

UKÄ’s evaluation of subject teaching, specialisation dance

The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) has assessed the specialist programme in dance at SKH. In early 2020 UKÄ decided that the quality of the education was questionable. Action was taken on this in 2020 and the basis for a new review was submitted in February 2021. In May 2021, UKÄ decided, on the basis of the action that had been taken, that the education maintains a high quality.

The action taken focused on a comprehensive investigation and inspection of the programme, so as to assure the progression from first to second cycle level, the recruitment of teaching staff to strengthen the academic expertise of the department and an extended collaboration with Stockholm University.

You can find SKH’s self-assessment (parts 1 and 2), the assessment group’s statement, the report on action taken and the statement following the report on action taken here:

Självvärdering Ämneslärarexamen dans - del 1.pdf (in Swedish)

Självvärdering Ämneslärarexamen dans - del 2.pdf (in Swedish)

Bedömargruppens yttrande Ämneslärarexamen dans.pdf (in Swedish)

SKH redovisning åtgärder Ämneslärarexamen dans.pdf (in Swedish)

Bedömargruppens yttrande efter uppföljning Ämneslärarexamen dans.pdf (in Swedish)

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