About SKH
Quality Enhancement Work

Quality Enhancement Work

These web pages are primarily aimed at the staff of Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH) and are intended as a support for quality enhancement work. The quality enhancement web pages are also aimed at students and other interested parties. These pages are updated on an ongoing basis.
Two dancing people spinning in red fabric. From the performance The New Theatre/Scenex 2022.
Photo: Per Bolkert/SKH

SKH – a state university

SKH is a state university and public authority. This means that SKH is subject to both the laws that govern public organisations and the laws and regulations that govern universities in Sweden.

As a university, we must, among other things, maintain a high quality of education and research. Quality enhancement work is also, pursuant to the Higher Education Act, the joint concern of both staff and students.

The activities of universities are continuously scrutinised by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) on behalf of the government. Among other things, UKÄ scrutinises the quality of the universities’ educational programmes, as well as the universities’ own systems for quality assurance. UKÄ also monitors universities’ compliance with laws and rules.

What do the terms mean?

  • Quality enhancement work means what we do to both develop quality and ensure that our activities maintain high quality. We arrive at systematic quality enhancement work by having clear procedures and processes. We also perform various forms of monitoring and evaluation so as to understand what students and doctoral students think about their education. By working through the different phases of the enhancement wheel (plan – implement – follow up – adjust – feedback), we obtain a system.
  • When we speak about the quality system, we mean the more formal framework within which quality enhancement work is performed. This includes how we are organised, the distribution of quality enhancement responsibilities between different functions, our internal governing and support documents, processes and procedures and how we identify goals, processes and resources for achieving our objectives.

Through quality enhancement work:

  • our activities are developed towards SKH’s goals and visions in accordance with the strategic plan,
  • we ensure that SKH’s activities are performed in accordance with current laws, ordinances and regulations, as well as SKH’s own governing and support documents,
  • we can identify strengths and areas for development in our activities,
  • we can take action on the areas for development with the aim of developing our activities.

If you have any questions, contact quality coordinator Lovisa af Petersens (

    • A circus student spinning in a rock ring. From the graduation performance Closing Acts, 2018.

      The enhancement wheel

      SKH uses the enhancement wheel to systematise the quality enhancement work.

    • A bunch of student actors pulling and tugging at each other. From the performance Norénlandia, 2015.

      Governing and support documents

      Here you will find various governing documents translated to English such as goals and strategies, policies and guidelines decided by the University Board, the Vice-Chancellor, the Director of Administration or the Board of Education and Research. In addition, there are supporting documents that are supplementary documents.

    • Blue-clad dancers run around a stage, in the graduation performance Splendour, 2018.

      Monitoring and evaluation

      In order to collect information about how something is working, SKH performs various structured collection activities in the form of monitoring and evaluation.

    • A professor carefully studies a receipt several metres long. From the operaperformance Don Pascuale, 2022.

      Results of evaluations and reviews

      Here, we publish results for the different internal and external evaluations and reviews that affect SKH’s activities.

    • Four opera students perform on a stage. From a movement project.

      Project on quality assurance of research

      The vice-chancellor has decided on an assignment for a project group. The project group’s assignment is to gather together and coordinate the work of clarifying and further developing parts of the quality assurance of research at SKH. The parts are to be pilot-tested and implemented successively.

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