Accessibility at Valhallavägen
Valhallavägen 189
Car park
The nearest disabled parking is located adjacent to Borgvägen 3, about 100 metres from the main entrance.
Boarding and alighting area
The pick-up and drop-off point for transport services and taxis is outside the entrance.
The place is not marked with a sign.
There is no tactile path to the entrance.
The entrance at Valhallavägen 189 is at ground level and the door is equipped with an elbow switch for opening. The opening dimension of the door is 90 cm. The threshold is 20 mm high and not bevelled. The door has no contrast markings.
Inside the entrance door is a vestibule. The vestibule contains a reception desk and a passage to the main corridor.
Reception area
The reception desk is located in the vestibule adjacent to the entrance.
The reception desk is 114 cm high and 250 cm long, with no lower counter. The free height under the counter is 74 cm. The contrast of the reception desk is weak in relation to the surrounding wall. There is a glass surface with an opening door.
There is no hearing loop.
Toilets, ground floor
There are several toilets on the ground floor.
Accessible toilet
A large toilet with space for a wheelchair is on the ground floor.
The door to the toilet has good contrast with the surrounding wall. The door opening dimensions are 87 cm. The toilet seat has wall-mounted armrests at the toilet seat. Toilet paper holders are missing on the armrests.
The space is equipped with an emergency alarm with cord, located at the toilet seat and high and low emergency alarm at the door.
The door to the cinema has an elbow switch for automatic opening. The opening dimension of the door is 80 cm. The door has good contrast with the surrounding wall. The threshold is 20 mm from the outside and slightly bevelled and 30 mm from the inside and not bevelled.
There is a lock inside the door. The door in the vestibule of the cinema contrasts well with the surrounding wall. The opening dimension of the door is 80 cm. The threshold is about 30 mm from the outside and slightly bevelled and 20 mm from the inside and not bevelled.
Seats for people with wheelchairs are on a ledge adjacent to the other seats.
There is no hearing loop.
D Theatre
The door to the D Theatre has an elbow switch for automatic opening. The opening dimension of the door is 118 cm. The door has good contrast with the surrounding wall.
There is a vestibule inside the door. The door in the vestibule of the theatre contrasts well with the surrounding wall. The opening dimension of the door is 113 cm.
Seats for wheelchair users are located in front of the other seats.
There is no hearing loop.
TV studio
The door to the TV studio has no elbow switch for automatic opening. The opening dimension of the door is 78 cm. The door has little contrast with the surrounding wall. The threshold is about 25 mm from the outside and slightly bevelled and 30 mm from the inside and not bevelled.
There is a sluice inside the door. The door in the vestibule to the cinema contrasts weakly with the surrounding wall. The opening dimension of the door is 78 cm. The threshold is about 30 mm from the outside and not bevelled and 25 mm from the inside and not bevelled.
Seats for wheelchair users are located in front of the other seats.
There is no hearing loop.
Valhallavägen 193
Car park
The nearest disabled parking is located at Borgvägen 3, about 100 metres from the main entrance.
Boarding and alighting area
The pick-up and drop-off point for transport services and taxis is outside the entrance.
The place is not marked with a sign.
There is no footpath to the entrance.
The entrance at Valhallavägen 193 is at ground level and the door is equipped with an elbow switch for opening. The opening dimension of the door is 92 cm. The threshold is 25 mm high and not bevelled.
The glass door and side sections have weak contrast markings in the form of frosted contrast dots.
Inside the entrance door is a vestibule. From the vestibule into the corridor there are sliding doors. The sliding doors lack contrasting markings on the glass surface.
Toilets, ground floor
There are several toilets on the ground floor.
Accessible toilet
A large toilet with space for a wheelchair is located on the ground floor.
The door to the toilet has good contrast with the surrounding wall. The door opening dimensions are 87 cm. The threshold is 25 mm from the outside and slightly bevelled, and 30 mm from the inside and no bevelling. The toilet seat has wall-hung armrests at the toilet seat. Toilet paper holders are provided on both armrests. The space is equipped with an emergency alarm with a cord, located at the toilet seat and high and low emergency alarm at the door.
Other toilets
The doors have good contrast with the surrounding wall. There is no sign.
The door to the library has no elbow switch for automatic opening. The door is always open during library opening hours. The opening dimension of the door is 85 cm. The door has good contrast with the surrounding wall. The glass section at the side of the door has no contrast markings on the glass. The threshold is 30 mm from the outside and slightly bevelled and 25 mm from the inside and slightly bevelled.
Theatre One, Two and Three
The doors to Theatre One, Two and Three have no elbow switches for automatic opening. The door opening dimension is 85 cm. The door lacks contrast with the surrounding wall. The threshold is 25 mm from the outside and not bevelled and 30 mm from the inside and not bevelled. There is a lock inside the door. The door in the vestibule of the theatre has no contrast with the surrounding wall. The opening dimension of the door is 85 cm.
There is no hearing loop.