About SKH


SKH has three geographical locations in Östermalm and Gärdet in Stockholm. Here is general information about our premises, accessibility, sustainability issues and security. You will also find links to more specific information about the three separate units.
A school corridor.
Photo: Jasmine Attié

General info about the premises at SKH

Our buildings contain premises adapted for our activities, where changes are made continuously through minor adaptations of both teaching premises and administrative spaces. Production facilities in the form of studios and theatres are adapted for the various courses, modules, presentations, performances and events that take place in them.


Our buildings house many people and a large amount of equipment. All premises are protected by various access and lock systems. If you are an employee or student, you have access to the premises needed for everything you do at SKH. You get this authorisation when you join SKH and it ends when you finish here. For guests and visitors, please refer to the opening hours on the Contact page.

Art at SKH

At SKH there are numerous art pieces that contribute to making our environment attractive and interesting, in different techniques and formats, ranging from video art to sculpture and visual art. Some art is owned or managed by SKH, but most of it is placed at SKH in collaboration with the Public Art Agency. In most cases, there is information about each work of art in connection with the work.


All premises belonging to SKH have accessibility adaptations for people with disabilities. You can find specific information through the link for each address, below. SKH is working towards having all premises be accessible to anyone who wishes to take part in the activities in any way. If you have special needs that are not met by existing measures, you are welcome to contact the head of Facilities and Services.

Renting SKH Venues

Our premises are primarily used for our own activities. If it is possible after SKH’s own needs are covered, we are able to potentially offer our venues and rooms for rent. More information can be found under each address below.


We cooperate with our landlords, Balder and Vasakronan, to continuously improve the environmental work in our premises. Electricity consumption, heating, waste recycling and an active sustainability perspective when remodelling and developing our buildings are some of the ways in which we work to ensure that our premises are as environmentally friendly as possible.

Contact us

If you have questions about renting venues or any other questions about SKH premises, you can contact:
Anna Gulyas, head of the Facilites and Services Department.
tel 08-49 400 039 or

  • More information about our premises

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