About SKH


On these pages you will find information on the different functions of the SKH organisational structure. There are links to individual decision-making bodies and an organisational chart to understand the level at which different types of decisions are made.
A guy juggling three balls. From the circus performance Closing Acts 2022.
Photo: Isak Stockås

University Board

The University Board is SKH's highest decision-making body. It consists of nine members appointed by the Government, three teacher representatives and three student representatives appointed by election. Staff representatives participate in board meetings and have the right to speak but not to vote. Chairman is Peter Egardt.

Presentation of the University Board


The Vice-Chancellor is the head of the public authority and heads the activities of the university directly under the Board. The Vice-Chancellor is a member of the University Board. The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for managing operations in accordance with the directives and guidelines decided by the University Board. The Vice-Chancellor must keep the University Board informed of the activities, provide the University Board with a basis for decisions and ensure that the University Board's decisions are carried out.

The Vice-Chancellor is Ellen Røed

Pro Vice-Chancellor

In the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro Vice-Chancellor assumes all the functions of the Vice-Chancellor.

The interim Pro Vice-Chancellor is Erik Gandini.

Vice-Rector for Research

The Vice-Rector for Research has responsibility and authority that corresponds to an operational overall responsibility for the Research centre´s activities, including research education, research and engagement with the surrounding society.

The acting Vice-Rector for Research is Rebecca Hilton.

Director of Administration

The Director of Administration has responsibility and authority that corresponds to an operational overall responsibility for the activities of the Academic support, including health and safety measures.

The Director of Administration is Jonatan Palmquist.

Head Librarian

The Head Librarian has responsibility and authority that corresponds to an operational overall responsibility for library services, including health and safety measures.

The Head Librarian is Olof Halldin.

Core activities and Academic support

The activities consist of core activities and academic support. The core activities are administered by artistically professional faculty members with managerial assignments as Vice-rector for research or Heads of departments. The Vice-Rector for research is responsible for the activities at the research centre. The two departments are led by Heads of departments, they are responsible for the department's education, research and engagement with the surrounding society.

The joint academic support is organised in an administration, headed by a director of administration, and a library, headed by a head librarian. The administration is divided into departments led by directors (or the equivalent).

Heads of departments

Department 1 (Circus, Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Opera, Acting): Walter Ferrero
Department 2 (Film and Media, Performing Arts): Maria Hedman Hvitfeldt

Board of Education and Research

The Board of Education and Research prepares cases to the University Board and the Vice-Chancellor in comprehensive matters that concern education, research and research education.

Organisational chart

SKH Organigram.png

Click the image above for a full-scale version.

    • Actors from Scenex 2019 with the production Eliten - esse non videri.

      University Board

      The University Board at Stockholm University of the Arts from 1 October 2024 to 30 April 2028.

    • Scenography made of fabric pillars. From a performing arts exercise, Unga StDH, 2018.


      The University's Leadership is composed of the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Director of Administration, the Vice-Rector of Research and two Heads of Departments.

    • A collage of photos: a circus performer, a hall of dancers, a dancer in nature, an opera student on stage, an acting class from a graduation performance.

      Department 1

      Department 1 with the subject units Circus, Dance, Dance Pedagogy, Opera and Acting.

    • A collage of images from a film shoot and a performance with dancers.

      Department 2

      Department 2 with subject units Film and Media and Performing Arts

    • A dozen young people lie on a black floor in various acrobatic positions.

      Operational Support

      Operational support at SKH consists of eight different departments within the joint administration. The head of the administration is Jonatan Palmquist, director of administration.

    • Light projection on a studio floor in purple, from the Ephemeral Design performing arts exercise, 2017.

      Board of Education and Research (NUF)

      NUF is responsible for that overall strategic quality development and quality follow-up of education and research.

    • Five actors in outerwear, sitting on a high ramp on a stage. From the Young StDH performance Five Birds, 2018.

      Staff Disciplinary Board

      The Staff Disciplinary Board examines questions about termination from employment due to personal circumstances, when the employment is not a probationary period, liability for disciplinary measures, criminal complaints, as well as suspensions/expulsions.

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