Partners will cooperate through 2 RIGGERS Seminars, 8 Riggers Swapping Experience (RSE) where each partner will host and send 2 riggers from and to different partner schools as well as continuous distance cooperation facilitated by the RIGGERS Virtual Platform.
RIGGERS will, amongst other things, create an international professional community of riggers that will use the Virtual Platform to keep on sharing and exchanging on relevant issues. The more tangible results of the project will be:
- A survey on the profession of rigger in circus schools, with a report that will suggest possible areas of cooperation and further sustainable actions in view of a stronger professionalisation of the actors operating in this field.
- The RIGGERS Virtual Platform that will be developed in order to allow online cooperation and exchange among peers. The platform will later become an open virtual forum dedicated to the sector of safety and rigging in the field of circus.
- The FED-Talks: a series of video tutorials aimed at sharing schools' good practices in safety and rigging with the whole community of circus school riggers in Europe and beyond. The videos, as well as the training materials developed for the tutorials, will remain available after the end of the project.
Main coordinator: SKH - Stockholm University of the Arts
Partners: FEDEC - Fédération Européenne des Écoles de Cirque professionnelles (BEL), ACAPA - Academy of Circus and Performance Art (NLD), AFUK - Academy for Untamed Creativity (DEN), Cirko Vertigo (ITA), Codarts Circus Arts Rotterdam (NLD), ENC - École Nationale de Cirque (CAN), ESAC - École supérieure des arts du cirque (BEL), ESACTO’LIDO - École Supérieure des Arts du Cirque Toulouse Occitanie (FRA) and associated partner NCCA - National Centre for Circus Arts (GBR)